Parents Classes

A group of parents recently made some wonderful cards in a lovely craft class. The tutor was Frances, and she came laden down with card, paper, glue and all sorts, for the parents to create their own personalized greeting cards. We are going to have another class before Easter!
Sewing class

The sewing class is going very well! Lots of different items are being made, and the ladies all enjoy the get together and the chats!
Crochet Classes

Every Monday morning the crochet parents come together in the Parents' Room to crochet for a few hours. They all love it, and within a few weeks of starting they learnt to create some fantastic garments. We will have a display of their work before the end of the school year.
Ladyswell National School, Ladyswell, Mulhuddart, Dublin 15 , Ireland | Phone: 01-8204255 E-Mail: